Bub Williamson Park Upgrades


This project will design and construct improvements to Bub Williamson Park, located at 530 Grapevine Road. The intent is to repurpose the existing, underutilized site with new amenities. Proposed improvements include children’s playgrounds, a remodeled restroom building, and fitness stations around the site.

Additionally, new drought tolerant landscaping, irrigation, signage, fencing and rehabilitation of the existing parking lot are proposed. The park facilities will be upgraded to meet current Americans with Disability Act standards and will include new sidewalks. Site furnishings would be upgraded throughout the park including picnic tables, benches and trash/recycling receptacles, bicycle racks, and drinking fountains.


Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting

On March 25, City staff will provide an update on the Bub Williamson Park capital improvement project to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Staff will review the revised design of the park based upon prior public workshops, and will solicit additional public input on the advanced design. The public is invited to attend! Feel free to share with others who may be interested in participating.

Meeting Date, Time and Location

Monday, March 25, 2019 at 6 pm
Vista Civic Center, City Council Chambers
200 Civic Center Drive, 92084

Review and Comment on Park Designs

The Bub Williamson Park designs will be posted online for public review and comment on March 22, 2019. To view the designs, please visit http://www.cityofvista.com, then click “Construction Projects & Maps, Bub Williamson Park.”


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