City Council To Discuss Zone Change Parcel Located at 1160 Branding Iron Drive


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the Chartered City of Vista, California, will hold a public hearing in the Vista Civic Center Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center Drive, Vista, California, on May 14, 2019, at 5:30 PM, to receive and consider all evidence and reports presented at said hearing and/or obtained previously relative to the following matter:
P18-0109 – Branding Iron Estates

The applicant requests approval of a Zone Change and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to change the zoning from Agricultural Zone (A-1, minimum 1-acre lots) to Estates Zone (E-1, minimum 1/2 acre lots) to create a four lot subdivision on a 3.028-acre parcel located at 1160 Branding Iron Drive (APN 169-080-01-00).
MAP An existing home will remain on one of the proposed lots, and improvements would be made to Branding Iron Drive at the project frontage. Pursuant to California Public Resources Code § 21083.3, and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, the proposed project qualifies for an exemption from additional environmental review because it is consistent with the development density and use characteristics established by the City of Vista General Plan 2030 Update (GPU) (adopted 2/2012, City Council Resolution No. 2012-42), as analyzed by the City of Vista GPU Program EIR (SCH # 2009121028) (certified 2/2012, City Council Resolution No. 2012-41), and all required findings can be made.


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