Help Local Military Families This Christmas S.O.S.


Spirit of Sharing, a local non-profit organization collects donations year round in person, by mail, and online, including automobile donations and other assets, to help our active duty military families throughout southern California each year during the holiday season.

Each year, during the Holiday Season, we share the gifts of caring and giving with those that often are the most deserving, yet the most in need of that assistance, help and support– our local military community.

Our Mission Statement: S.O.S. is a 501(c) (3) organization aimed at helping to provide a Christmas to those military families in Southern California who need some assistance in bringing the magic of the season into their lives.

We accept drop off donations to our warehouse located at:

Spirit of Sharing
1361 Rocky Point Drive
Oceanside CA 92056
Closes at 5 PM

For questions please contact Spirit of Sharing at (760) 859-5911

Visit our Website


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