Jamie Quient to Speak at November 1st Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative Meeting


Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland will host the North County Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative meeting on Thursday, November 1st, 2018, 9 a.m., at United Methodist Church of Vista, 490 S. Melrose Ave., Vista. The event is free to the public, and coffee and pastries will be provided.

The guest speaker will be Jamie Quient, Esq. President and Managing Attorney at ‘Free to Thrive’, a nonprofit organization that empowers survivors of human trafficking in their journey to becoming thrivers, while providing hands-on experiential learning opportunities to law and graduate students. Prior to launching ‘Free to Thrive’ in 2017, Jamie practiced civil litigation for five years at Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP. Jamie was the 2016-2017 president of Lawyers Club of San Diego and founded the Lawyers Club Human Trafficking Collaborative.

For more information contact kgvn@cox.net or visit soroptimistvista.org.


Soroptimist of Vista and North County Inland (SI Vista NCI) was chartered on March 23, 1953. We are a dynamic group of professional business women who seek to make a difference in our community through offering scholarships and grants to local charities and by raising awareness and educating the public about issues affecting women and girls, such as domestic violence and human trafficking. Funds are raised through our annual salad luncheon for the public and other group and personal projects. For over 60 years in service, we have been committed to protecting the environment, education in the fields of health, economic and social development, leadership development, fellowship and diversity. SI Vista NCI holds luncheon meetings the first and third Friday of each month at Shadowridge Golf Club in Vista. For more information about Soroptimists, see our website at soroptimistvista.org or email us at soroptimistinternationalvista@gmail.com.


The North County San Diego Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative is a run as a program of service by Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland in partnership with the United Methodist Church of Vista. A diverse group of individuals, churches, non-profits and other community organizations, the Collaborative is committed to eliminate human trafficking and modern day slavery. Our mission is to raise awareness of human trafficking, provide a platform to share information, improve victim services, educate ourselves and the public, and advocate for policy and legislation related to human trafficking. The Collaborative meets every other month (on the first Thursday of the month) at 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. at the United Methodist at 490 S. Melrose Drive, Vista, California. The event is free to the public, and coffee and pastries are served.


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