Meet Councilwoman Barbara Hamilton at Village Voices


If you own, manage or work at a business in Carlsbad Village, or if you live in the Village, we invite you to come to a special Village Voices meeting on Tuesday, February 5th at 8:30am to not only connect with your fellow movers and shakers who make this Village what it is but also to meet and learn more about our new District 1 council representative, Barbara Hamilton. For the first time in Carlsbad’s history, district elections took place this past Fall with the goal to provide the public with more specific representation from city council for particular areas. The Village of Carlsbad is in District 1. Barbara Hamilton, a long-time Village resident, will represent the Village, in addition to the city as a whole, on City Council for four years. Village Voices is an excellent opportunity to meet Barbara and learn about her background and hear about her vision for the Village. Coffee and donuts are served starting at 8:15am. Come network beforehand. The meeting runs from 8:30am to 9:30am and is held at New Village Arts at 2787 State Street. Village Voices Info »


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