Oceanside District 2 City Council Candidate Rodriguez has Fundraiser


North County leaders came together this past Friday to show support for Christopher Rodriguez, a local candidate running for city council in Oceanside.

Along with State Senator Patricia Bates, various elected officials and candidates from along the 78 Corridor attended Rodriguez’s summer fundraiser to help raise funds and awareness for his Oceanside District 2 City Council race.

“I am so grateful for the amount of support from those who were there for this fundraiser and I think it shows that Oceanside’s issues are not only important to us, but those around Oceanside as well,” Rodriguez said.

As co-host for the event, Bates was tasked with introducing Rodriguez and said she knew within the first few minutes of meeting him, that he was the right person for the job.

“When I heard him speak and the passion that which he shared his goals and what he’d like to do for his city, and for his community and what he’s already done,” Bates said. “It’s an incredible resume for a young man . . . and we need people like Christopher who’ve done so much – who care so much.”

This November will be the first time for district voting in Oceanside and both Districts 1 and 2 will be on the ballot. Districts 3 and 4, along with the at-large mayor position will be during the 2020 election.

Besides Rodriguez, three other candidates have filed paperwork of their intent to run for District 2 with the Oceanside City Clerk’s office. Terry Johnson, Dana Corso and Lawrence Kornit have all started the process to seek election.

Others in attendance were Oceanside Councilmembers Jerry Kern and Jack Feller, San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond and Vista Deputy-Mayor John Aguilera. Even candidates from within and outside Oceanside seeking different positions were on-hand to show support.

“I think that there is a shift going on in local politics right now,” San Marcos City Council Candidate Cliff Ireland said. “Local candidates and current elected officials are getting out of their comfort areas and showing support for others who are like minded because what happens in one town, good or bad, could easily happen in another.”

Ireland said one of the main reasons he supports Rodriguez is because of his opposition to the Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources initiative, known as SOAR, that Oceanside residents will vote on this year.

According to the initiative, the purpose of SOAR is to preserve open space and farmland, reduce sprawl, reduce transportation costs and to mandate a vote of the citizens for any changes to Oceanside’s General Plan related to agriculture and open space.

“I think once people find out what SOAR really is, who really is behind it and why they are doing it, then most of them will realize how wrong it is not just for Oceanside, but for everywhere,” Rodriguez said.