Palomar College Information Services Team Wins Technology Award at Conference


SAN MARCOS, CA ― The Information Services (IS) team at Palomar College, together with CCCTechConnect, won an award for a system that was implemented in 2017 to streamline professional development at Palomar. The “CCCCO Technology Focus Award” was presented at the Chief Information Systems Officers Association (CISOA) conference in Garden Grove this week.
Last year, Palomar’s IS staff worked with CCCTechConnect, the Professional Development department and Human Resources to ensure college employees could access online training. Known as “Palomar Powered Professional Development (3PD),” and built using the Cornerstone on Demand software system, the project was extended to serve as the platform for the newly branded CCCCO Vision Resource Center.
According to Palomar College Information Services Director Connie Moise, the college was instrumental in the creation of the now system-wide availability of this shared professional learning and collaboration software program that can connect all California Community College employees across the state.

“Palomar College consistently supports and contributes to the California Community College system with innovative ideas and projects,” said Palomar College Superintendent/President Dr. Joi Lin Blake. “This award is a well-deserved acknowledgement of our staff’s ingenuity in developing a crucial service for all our employees, which now benefits community colleges across the state.”

CCCTechConnect projects serve the 115 California Community Colleges, are funded by a grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, and are hosted at Palomar College.
For more information, please visit the Professional Development website at


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