Public Hearing Central Vista Business Improvement District Annual Levy


City of Vista City Council meeting is Tuesday March 12 2019. {FULL Agenda} There is a Public Hearing on the Central Vista Business Improvement District Annual Levy

Levies are collected by the City on behalf of the CVBID and provided for implementation of the approved work plan. CVBID assessments for FY 2018/19 were $49,963.23. Assessment amounts are dependent upon the number and type of businesses located within the district during the reporting fiscal year. As detailed in the Annual Report (Exhibit 3), assessments range from $33 to $750 based upon their location within the district and type of business. This levy is intended to support, but is not limited to, the general promotion of business activities, and public events which benefit businesses within the CVBID. By law, a public hearing must be held for consideration of the proposed assessments. The hearing notice was mailed to all CVBID business owners, and published in a newspaper of general circulation. During the public hearing, the City Council will consider all protests, both written and oral. All written protests must identify the type and location of the affected business. If written protests are received from business owners within the CVBID who collectively pay fifty percent or more of the proposed assessment, then no further proceedings for the levy of the proposed assessment will be taken for a period of one year. If the majority protest is only against a specific improvement or activity in the CVBID, those types of improvements or activities shall be eliminated. If no majority protest exists, the levy of the proposed assessment may be approved through the adoption of the staff recommendation.
If the City Council approves the proposed annual assessments, City staff will move forward with administering the Central Vista Business Improvement District Grant Program for FY 2019/20 to sponsor activities that meet the CVBID work plan. FISCAL IMPACT: If approved, assessment fees will be collected and deposited into the Current Year BID Fees account (No. 0010000.210100) and reinvested in the form of grants according to the CVBID

On February 26, 2019, adopted City Council Resolution No. 2019-26, approving the Central Vista Business Improvement District Grant Program (Vote: 4-1, Rigby opposed). On February 26, 2019, adopted City Council Resolution No. 2019-25, giving notice of intention of the City Council to levy an annual assessment of the Central Vista Business Improvement District, and fixing a date and time of a public hearing to consider the annual levy (Vote: 5-0). On January 22, 2019, introduced and adopted City Council Ordinance No. 2019-1, Amending Chapter 3.52 of the Vista Municipal Code regarding Central Vista Business Improvement District Advisory Board Appointments (Vote: 5-0). On November 27, 2018, directed staff to terminate the agreement with the VVBA for administration for the Central Vista Business Improvement District, to work with the VVBA to close out open projects, and for City staff to administer the BID for the remainder of the fiscal year (Vote: 5-0).
See Exhibit 2 for a complete list of prior City Council actions. STATEMENT ON THE SUBJECT: The City has received the Central Vista Business Improvement District (CVBID) Advisory Board’s Annual Report, which proposes no boundary, zone, assessment or contractor modifications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019/20. The current level of assessments is recommended to remain the Same


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