R&D Internship Challenge – for Students & Local Industry


Obtaining a certificate or degree is an essential step for most STEM career positions. However, there are many soft and hard skills required to be successful in these career paths that are not addressed within academic curricula. Additionally, finding an internship that provides one with an opportunity to gain these skills, is suitably challenging, emphasizes group work and collaboration, and allows the student to have one-on-one mentoring time can be difficult.

OSML is now offering a challenge-based internship program in collaboration with Palomar and Mira Costa Colleges, where candidates work in multidisciplinary teams to solve real-world problems with hard constraints in an industrial work environment. Candidates will work to solve a technical problem which may have a wide range of innovative solutions, will have access to mentors and resources, and will be able to interact directly with local hiring companies.

Unlike traditional internships, participants will interact with multiple hiring

companies, resulting in a greater hiring potential. Participants will work on building their resume with hard & soft skills and hands on experience while applying their academic foundation to produce a solution to the challenge problem. Individuals will gain both technical and career mentoring, and letters of recommendation.

If you are a local company that is looking for a more innovative way to reduce hiring risk, or if you are a college student that is ready for a challenging opportunity, contact us at info@opensourcemakerlabs.com. Applications for participating employers are due by 12/28/18. Internship positions are now available for students at MiraCosta College and Palomar College.


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