City of Carlsbad Final Budget Considered June 12th


The City of Carlsbad will hold the last of four public meetings June 12 to present the final spending plan for the fiscal year starting July 1. Watch a video about the city budget. Learn about the city budget process.

The city’s budget planning process follows a fiscal year that runs July 1 through June 30. Each year city staff recommend spending plans based on available funding and city priorities. The preliminary budget is presented in two parts: the “Capital Improvement Program” budget, covering major projects, and the operating budget, which covers day to day city services.

The Capital Improvements Plan was presented to City Council at the May 8 City Council meeting. City staff presented the latest list of major projects planned over the next 20+ years to the City Council and the projects that staff is recommending be funded in the coming year’s budget. The operating budget, covering day to day city services, was presented May 22, followed by a public workshop May 29.

Meeting Details
June 12, 6 p.m.
Final adoption of the fiscal year 2018-19 budget
City Council Chamber
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
At this meeting, the City Council will approve the final budget for the new fiscal year starting July 1.

The budget planning process typically begins with an annual City Council goal setting workshop at the beginning of the calendar year. In setting goals, the City Council focuses on achieving the Carlsbad Community Vision, a set of nine core values developed through a two year public involvement process. Input from the city’s annual resident satisfaction survey and the city’s financial forecast also play a role in setting budget priorities.

The city has a AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor’s, the highest rating possible.

For more information
Helga Stover, 760-602-2429,

City media contact
Kristina Ray, 760-434-2957,


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