County Board of Supervisors Allows Extension up to 800 Feet at McClellan-Palomar Airport


At their meeting on Oct. 10, 2018, the County Board of Supervisors took the following action related to the Airport Master Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport:
Certified the final environmental document
Approved the McClellan-Palomar Airport Master Plan Update
Selected the D-III alternative design, which allows for a runway extension up to 800 feet
Adopted findings for mitigation of significant environmental impacts
Adopted a statement of location and custodian of record
Adopted a decision and explanation regarding recirculation of the draft environmental document
Adopted a program for mitigation monitoring and reporting

The Board of Supervisors also directed County staff to return with an ordinance amending the appointment process for members of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee to allow the Carlsbad City Council to submit a recommended appointee for consideration by the District 5 Supervisor.

The Board further directed County staff to work with the City of Carlsbad to strengthen the airport’s Voluntary Noise Abatement Program and to actively monitor complaints and enforce noise violations. City of Carlsbad staff prepared a memo summarizing the action taken by the County Board of Supervisors. Video of the Board of Supervisors hearing is available on the County of San Diego website.

Prior to that in June and July 2018, the County of San Diego recirculated portions of the environmental document for the Airport Master Plan based on input received during the initial release of the document for public review. The City of Carlsbad submitted comment letters on both the original and recirculated portions of the Airport Master Plan environmental document. The County of San Diego provided responses to the city’s comments.

Additionally, the Carlsbad City Council received a presentation at their Sept. 11, 2018 meeting from the law firm of Kaplan, Kirsch and Rockwell and directed staff to work with the County of San Diego to identify specific actions that will be taken to improve the working relationship between the county and the city, and to address community concerns regarding McClellan-Palomar Airport.

City of Carlsbad staff will continue to work with County of San Diego staff on the actions recommended by the City Council and will provide periodic progress updates to City Council.

More information
For more information about the city’s role in the airport master plan, please contact Jason Haber at 760-434-2958 or


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