Moonlight Angels Holds Costume Couture Spring Luncheon


On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, the Moonlight Angels held their annual Spring Luncheon to Benefit the Moonlight Cultural Foundation at the Vista Valley Country Club. The program started with the Welcome and Introductions made by Sharon Folmer and Becky Kwock, Luncheon Co-Chairs. Jane Penne-Morse, Angels Committee Chair, was the Mistress of Ceremonies. Lunch was served on beautifully set tables which were filled with guests enjoying the wonderful luncheon meal and a decadent chocolate dessert.

The Moonlight Star Awardee presentation was given by Jennifer Bradford, Moonlight Cultural Foundation’s Executive Director. Congratulations to Linda Kononchuk for receiving Moonlight Angel’s 2019 Star Award. Carlotta Malone was Presented a Lifetime Achievement Award, by Jennifer Bradford, and Justin Jorgensen Vierela, for her 38 years of dedication, love and time she has given as one of the Moonlight Stage Productions costume coordinators.

The Costume Couture fashion show was choreographed by Moonlight Stage Production’s Steve Glaudini – Producing Artistic Director & Colleen Koller-Smith – Managing Director along with Jennifer Bradford – MCF Executive Director and Justin Vierela – Director of Development. The theme was iconic looks and favorite songs from Moonlights past. Fabulous music and costumes were worn by the models such as Becky Kwock (Flounder) and Jennifer Barter (Ursula) – Little Mermaid. Carol Jungerheld (Mother Superior) – Sister Act. Patrick Johnson (Joseph) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. Fire Chief Jeff Hahn (Sweeny Todd) and Mary Trotta (Mrs. Lovite) – Sweeny Todd. Jane Penne-Morse (Eliza Doolittle) – My Fair Lady. Justin Vierela (Sky), Emma Nossal (Sarah) – Guys and Dolls. Diana Aaron (Little Red Riding Hood) – Into The Woods, Rachel Beld – Mary Poppins. Jeff Pashby (Sam) and Angie Frazier (Donna) – Mamma Mia.

Song Performers were Kyrsten Hafso Koppman, Kevin Hafso Koppman, Bethany Slomka, Luke Harvey Jacobs, Bets Malone and pianist Lydon Pugeda.

This year there were 11 opportunity baskets, 9 silent auction pieces and 5 live auction items which included a VVCC golf package, a VIP Package for a San Diego Padre Game, a Sycuan Casino Resort package, the Fire Alarm Special brought back by popular demand, which included a Vista Firehouse Dinner & Tour and a Big Bear Mountain Cabin Getaway. Jennifer Bradford also announced that the Moonlight Angels Auxiliary raised $73,000 for the Moonlight Cultural Foundation.

Upcoming Angel events: Day at the Races – Sunday, Aug. 25, Game Day – Oct (Halloween theme) and a Holiday Luncheon – Wednesday, Dec. 4.


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