New District Office and School Leadership Positions Announced


(Vista, CA) – At its meeting on May 9, 2019, the Vista Unified School District (VUSD) Board of Trustees approved Ami Shackelford as Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for the district and Joseph Clevenger as Rancho Buena Vista High School Principal. Shackelford has more than 20 years’ experience of developing budgets as well as short and long range financial plans. She is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for the Encinitas Union School District where she oversees budget, fiscal, payroll, enrollment, purchasing, information technology, child nutrition services, warehouse, and print shop departments. “Ami is committed to the accuracy of budget development and multi-year projections to improve trust with the community and stakeholders,” said VUSD Board President Rosemary Smithfield.

Ami Shackelford

“Her experience will allow the district to be even more transparent through our budget processes.”

Her previous experience includes serving as the Chief Financial Officer for the Alvord Unified School District where she oversaw the districts’ budget and financial reporting as well as the payroll, risk management, and employee benefits departments. She also spent six years at the San Diego Unified School District where she developed and maintained a general fund budget of more than $1.0 billion. “I am looking forward to joining the VUSD team,” said Shackelford.

“I can offer a new perspective on the budget process and have experience in bringing all stakeholders to the table for the good of students.”

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Donna Caperton

Shackelford will be taking over for current Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Donna Caperton, who will be retiring after 18 years of service to the district.

After an extensive search and a process that included students, parents, teachers, support staff, and the community,

Joseph Clevenger
Joseph Clevenger will be the new principal at Rancho Buena Vista High School beginning in the 2019-2020 school year. Clevenger is a bilingual educator who has extensive experience leading teachers and building an effective culture for all students and staff. He is a collaborative leader who is committed to improving student achievement through relationships, collaboration, and accountability. “Joseph’s experience in the classroom and at a site leadership level is a great fit for Rancho Buena Vista,” said VUSD Superintendent Dr. Linda Kimble.

“He will continue the amazing work happening at Rancho and will be able to look at things through a new lens.”

Clevenger is currently the principal at Sullivan Middle School in Bonsall, where he oversees all operations and is an educational leader. As the assistant principal of Elsinore High School, he oversaw discipline, attendance, English Language Development, and technology. He graduated from Cal State University San Marcos with a degree in Liberal Studies and received a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Pepperdine University. “Working collaboratively with the students, parents, and staff is my top priority,” said Clevenger. “I am honored to have been chosen as the principal of RBV and am ready to hit the ground running.”

RBV Principal Charles Shindler

Clevenger will be taking over for current RBV Principal Charles Shindler, who will be retiring after more than 35 years of service to students. Both Shackelford and Clevenger will start their new roles with the district on July 1.


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