Nominations Sought for 2019 City Council Awards


Each year at the State of the City meeting, the Escondido City Council recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to improve the quality of life in Escondido through volunteer service. Nominations now are being solicited for these awards.
The public is encouraged to submit nominations of qualified members of the community for consideration. Award nomination forms can be obtained by calling the City Manager’s Office (760-839-4631) or by downloading a copy from the City’s web site: include: Arts, Business, Community, Education, Public Safety, Historic Preservation, and Youth. The deadline for nomination is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

A sub-committee of the City Council will review all nominations and make its final selection in January. The awards will be presented at the Annual State of the City Address on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido.

About Escondido

Incorporated in 1888, Escondido is a safe, clean, and efficiently managed city of nearly 150,000 residents. Escondido is home to a growing number of businesses and a wide range of cultural, educational, healthcare, tourism, and recreation amenities, making the City the ideal destination in which to live, work and play.


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