San Marcos Residents Encouraged to Apply for Various Commissions and Committees


City officials are encouraging residents to get involved and make a difference in their community by applying for open positions on the Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, San Marcos Community Foundation, Traffic Commission, Budget Review Committee and San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Oversight Commission.

The deadline to apply for each of these openings is Friday, Dec. 13 at 5 pm. Appointments will be made after public interviews are conducted by the San Marcos City Council during its regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 6 pm. Candidates should be prepared to provide a brief presentation discussing their background and qualifications for the desired position.

Detailed eligibility requirements, application instructions and interview requirements are available online at or by visiting 1 Civic Center Drive.

Two regular positions are open on the Parks & Recreation Commission, which has the responsibility of advising the City Council on the creation, operation, maintenance and management the community’s recreation programs, and indoor and outdoor recreation, activities and facilities.

The Planning Commission has three regular and one alternate position open for individuals interested in evaluating and making decisions on a variety of land use matters for both long-range and short-range planning within the City of San Marcos. The commission conducts public hearings on significant planning, zoning and land subdivision matters such as specific plans, subdivision maps, conditional use permits and rezones while also handling any other matters as required by the municipal code.

Four regular positions are open on the San Marcos Community Foundation, which serves to enrich the quality of life for the community of San Marcos by serving as a nonprofit public benefit corporation providing grants to other nonprofit organizations that assist the City or its residents.

The Traffic Commission has two regular and one alternate position available for residents looking to seek ways to improve traffic conditions, operations and safety, and the administration of enforcement of traffic regulations.

The Budget Review Commission has one regular and one alternate position open forresidents and/or business owners looking to review the City’s budget and make recommendations to the Finance Director and City Council.

Finally, three positions are open on the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Oversight Committee. This body was created for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan as well as conducting a formal progress report on the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan.

For more information about applying for a vacancy, contact the San Marcos City Clerk at (760) 744-1050, ext. 3145 or
For more information about the City’s commissions, visit


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