Shopping Sweepstakes: Emergency Preparedness Edition


By Suzanne Bartole, County of San Diego Communications Office

According to a recent survey led by the County’s Office of Emergency Services, only 50 percent of San Diegans are prepared to evacuate their homes within 15 minutes, and only 38 percent have an emergency plan. The two greatest barriers to being prepared? Planning to do it later (40 percent), followed by cost (31 percent)!

Being prepared doesn’t have to take long or cost a ton. Watch CAL FIRE’s Issac Sanchez and County Probation’s Govanna Juaregui go against the clock to build a family emergency kit at the 99 Cent Only Store in just 99 seconds with a limited budget

Then round up your supplies. To get a list and more information on preparing yourself and your family for emergencies, visit today.

Suzanne Bartole is a multimedia designer with the County of San Diego Communications Office.


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