Suspect Arrested for Residential Burglaries in Carlsbad

Police Seek Witnesses of Residential Burglary


CARLSBAD, Calif. – On October 5, the City of Carlsbad Police Department arrested 26-year old Esparza Alan Arias of Los Angeles for Residential Burglary and other charges. Investigators are asking the residents of the area to check their cameras to see if they have images of the suspect.
Investigators believe that Arias entered two houses and attempted to enter a third when the resident encountered the suspect and fired a warning gunshot in the air.
The first incident occurred at approximately 12:30 am in the 6500 block of Paseo Frontera. The victim in this case didn’t contact the police until 1:24 a.m. Reportedly the suspect entered the house and touched the male resident whilehe was sleeping, the resident awoke to find him in his bedroom. When confronted by the resident, the suspect fled the house.
The second incident was reported at 1:12 a.m., in the 2900 block of Unicornio Street. The residents awoke to find the suspect in their home. When confronted, the suspect fled the house.
Officers were called to the third incident at 1:29 a.m., in the 3000 block of Xana Way. The resident found the suspect attempting to enter his home. The resident confronted the suspect through a window and the suspect fled. The residentstepped out to the front of his residence and fired a warning gunshot in the air.
When the officers that were nearby investigating the other incidents heard the gunshot, they quickly responded to the area and located the suspect hiding behind a vehicle nearby. At 1:38 a.m., officers detained the suspect in the 3000block of Xana Way.
Investigators are asking resident in the area to check their cameras and call 760-931-3819 to report any possible sightings of the suspect.
The suspect was booked into the Vista Detention Facility.

For more information

Lt. Kevin Lehan, 760-931-2166 or